Logbook entry

CMDR Antares Dioskouroi family memory disclosure

09 May 2018Marcus Bronco
LP 580-33,
station classified.
Eagle MkII - Bucephalus I, BC11
Stardate : 3304-05-10 0050 UTC

Turth doesn't exist, it is made of stories.

Before I set sail for a perilous journey, I need to share what I recently uploaded into the Sim-Archive at Bobko City, to ensure it will inspire the generations to come and not be lost.

The story from which the fortune of my family rises is actually an Odyssey in the Odyssey and starts on one of the late Generation ships just before the invention of Hyper-drive technology in XXII Century.
The Dioskouroi family carries the memory of our forefathers discriminated on Earth for their openness and interest in exchange with other cultures, in a Planet overwhelmed by alarm-culture and ultra positivism. They were hunted for their resistance against the daily labeling of groups and human differences which were exploited to divide and control masses and to introduce unjust rules. So much that the air on Earth had become hard to breathe. Conflicts after WW III were exploited on a massive scale by corporations: the constant abuse of mass media in post information age, despite the positive expectation all had for the imagination age, forced my family and many others to board the Arks in clandestinity.
From there the destiny of my ancestors both in terms of survival and reliability of sources grows dim.

Some said they were pirates...Others deface my family calling us "Assassins of Altair"... What we know is that the Dioskouroi represent an example in the galaxy for resilience and cooperation.
Active in Tau Ceti, my ancestors then moved in the Altair system many decades later.
With the booming of the economy in the newly founded colonies of the Federation, they specialized in the design of perfumes and, when the trading of Altairian Skin got big, their last creation, the planetary acclaimed male perfume "dioskouros", changed everything for them.
In collaboration with laboratories held by a local corporation the perfume was, on a second edition, bio-engineered and consequently made extremely durable, capable to adapt to any condition a human body was involved in.
Only removable with expensive 99% pure water showers, it became quickly a status symbol and a fragrance that elites on Earth were keen to pay well.
Their small but successful company became the first mark set a revolution in the condition of my family.
The Tau Ceti colony behavior against Earth rule led to the first interstellar conflict which generated a wave of rebellion in the colonies nearby lasting well beyond the culminating phase of 2228 - 2242, and Altair system's Biggs Colony where the cosmetic business was established, made no exception to the unrest.
What we know is that this place risked to become the cradle of our rebirth, but also the family tomb.
The Dioskouroi were covered with debts that tore up into pieces the family relations, so some took the path of piracy, others stole, when others went rogue against the corporations in their eyes responsible for all this, and committed despicable crimes casting a curse over our name.
When counterfeit products got sold on Earth as originals, our family products got black-listed, maybe victim of political machinations, and the Dioskouroi got in serious troubles especially James and Lika who were in charge of the company clearance by the half of XXIII Century.
Then the sudden re-engineering of the entire product line by a third party organization on Earth, made our new lines of cosmetics extremely cheap, projecting the shadow of a finishing blow for the two.

It looked like the end when a sudden event occurred in the outskirts of the city. A manned ship following the Li Quin Jao (et. al.) invention and boom of exploration, got stranded. The forebears of my family helped took their rover and rescued a woman from the crew, the only one to survive the crash. She was part of "project Antares" an inspection over the interaction corporations and settlers had with native species in the colonies. This effort from Earth was aimed ultimately at the updating of the code regulating settlers and corporation activities on new Earths to prevent future wars and loss of diversity, heritage and potential discoveries on the other hand.
Taylor Colony decided to offer an opportunity to my ancestors and gave them the chance to leave together with the Project Antares crew once the mission was ready to leave on their new destination Pollux. It is for this reason that we'll always been grateful to the Taylor Colony admins and the Federation despite this last one's values and attitude being far away from the values shared by my family, especially for the inclination to war later in history this Power had proven.

It is in Naddodur that my family forefathers had the honor, centuries later these lucky events of 2249, to be in charge of the administration of the settlement and of their jurisdiction (Cambridge, Pollux 3 a, Pollux 3 b,Pollux 3 c, Pollux 3 d , Pollux 3 e, Pollux 3 e a, Pollux 3 f) taking care of the local species with the respect their legacy had instilled in their blood since the family business was actually rooted upon one of these, back in Altair.
Only when Pollux by the III Millennia became the umpteenth target of voracious corporation greed that my family and the others with them, met the violence these companies had when reaching for rich and pristine habitats. Dioskouroi joined the piracy as other groups did but never managed to become a corporation like some of these families did.

Some of these families still resist (let's speak the truth: we all do) and have kept today dreaming to find what their ancestors could experience on Earth, the "Fragile Oasis", some others have become rogue groups like the dangerous Mafia of Pollux, others like my family returned to a normal life, others tried the political path to establish a control over what happens in the system and beyond.

This the story of my family, the Dioskouroi.

Commanders, remember that we fly in a dangerous space today and on every flight we write the history others will read one day and like you us today, they will be inspired from it.

CMDR Antares Disokouroi

captain log end---
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