Logbook entry

Reconstruction of the events of December 3304, an open wound

18 Jan 2023Marcus Bronco
HIP 97950
Chamberlain's Rest,
Sidewinder - Bucephalus II, BC12
Stardate : 3309-01-18 0449 UTC

From the biography following a recent update.

On October 3304, Antares was offering his services as a fixer in Meene to ensure Ram Tah workshop relocation final steps could conclude in the smoothest way possible, but often we discover, especially following all the threats and pressure the famous engineer received, the smoothest way is full of stones.
In the same year Summer, Antares was also part of the teams involved in brokering between the superpowers agencies and the TAP (Thargoid Advocacy Project) volunteers, in order to clear the way from any fanatic or improvised diplomatic expert to get into such delicate business and create an institutional policy towards human-alien activities.

This crucial matter, as I was in Chamberlain's Rest, has raised to the attention of everyone recently, in particular in the months following the HIP 22460 August 9th 3308 massacre, thanks to statements like the ones of Congressman Chase, that allowed the Core Worlds to read the events with new lenses.

On that October 3304, a group of Sirius Navy officer conspired and hired mercenaries to infiltrate Ram's new workshop in Phoenix Base. Several forces exploited the fog of war originating by a savage competition for the Guardian and xeno material research results in a booming phase for bio-engineering products large scale commercialization (i.e. Vitadyne Labs Nanomedicines beta testing and Utopia affair), including Li Yong-Rui.

The fate wanted that at the time Ram Tah also cooperated with "Salvation", later discovered Caleb Wycherley, and these collaborations with a scientist under anonymity triggered several SEC agencies which were inquiring over any possible suspect carrying operations aimed at human-alien cooperation.
In search for fame and pushed by ideological motive, rogue groups like the paramilitary extremist expelled from Aegis looked with suspicion and possibly targeted anyone involved with the two.
Mycoid Project was Caleb baby, everyone knew and everyone knows it. No wonder all this got involved big players in a game larger than my brother could have ever even imagined. A game in which every power, with their own silent commandos ready to be deny any involvement in the case of necessity, whether their violent strikes would be successful or not, masked with the help of usual narratives on the news.

However the men or the organization who was behind this has never claimed responsibility for the punitive expedition differently from many attacks occurred in those days across Meene system.
Was it a small Aegis cell undercover, old enemies, professionals, a hunter team eager to demonstrate to be fit to kill to the rest of their clan... who could possibly hold such feelings for my brother?!
That day in the hangar I wasn't targeted. Did Antares had a secretive life I have not yet discovered about?

I only really know that, on the aftermath of the attacks of December 3308 I was brought to Alioth the Alliance Capital city, where I underwent a delicate surgery operation and survived despite I would have been left blind if it wasn't for the nanomedicines.

It's really time to get lighter, get out of here. (it will take some time)

(continues in the Biography)

CMDR Marcus Bronco

captain log end---
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