Logbook entry

Well, that is not going well...

06 May 2019[Dax]
"Buy this Viper" they said...
Sure, I like fast rides. And that red racing ship looked very promising. Stripped to the bones, light as a feather and really fast. And it seems that ship was capable of much more, just put enhanced performance thrusters in and add some engineers magic tuning here and there... It was not very cheap as for the old Viper, but what the heck, I have enough money to buy millions of them.
But the engineering of it it's a completely different story.
It has a tiny fuel tank. It has a crappy FSD. You cannot just fly it to the engineers and I need to pay a visit to Prof. Palin and The Dweller to check the power distributor and drives... And Elvira to buy new drives for the ride.
Luckily we have GalPost and I have Blattoptera, right?

It ringed the first bell at the Elvira's station. Turned out that Blattoptera is a way too heavy to equip 3A EP drives. What I have to do? Fly to the nearest shipyard and buy something suitable, of course. Eagle, for example.
OK, I got the drives in the storage. Returning to Blattoptera and going to Prof.
At his station I ordered drives delivery to his workshop and headed to The Dweller. Distributor tuning went without hitch.

Now back to Palin. And guess what? I did the same mistake. Realizing that I'm in Blattoptera right upon the landing. Well, the same trick again?
Nearest shipyard is in Celaeno. And they had just Sidey and Hauler which I bought. Flew to Palin again just to find out that the Hauler has a size 2 drives while I need size 3 to fit my EPs for tuning. Facepalm...
Now I went back to Celaeno, ordered the delivery of my Eagle and writing this logbook...
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︎2 Shiny!
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