Logbook entry

6th MEF, 38th MEU, 3rd battalion, 98th Federal Marine Regiment- Sitrep-URGENT

25 Feb 2016Armholeeio
<<<<<<<<<<<< 6th MEF Fleet Com >>>>>>>>>>>>>
<<<<<<<<<<< URGENT PRIORITY >>>>>>>>>>>>>

SITERP- 38th MEU........ Situation CRITICAL!
Immediate resupply and reenforcement required!
Supplies low......... 3 days rations . 1/2 days water . 16hrs of ammunition.
Casualties …… 650 WIA. 150 KIA . 12 MIA/KIA .
Armour strength…… 4 operational
Combat support wing ........ 0
Landing Zones compromised ! Enemy strength ..... A reenforced division with a mercenary air group flying support.

The Medic shook his head and closed the young Marine's eyes with blood stained fingers, Gunnery Sergeant Ford bowed his head briefly and then collected the dog tag. The company was haemorrhaging guys badly, either heavy mortars or snipers they all reaped a toll and there was little they could do but hunker down and await a relief column. Ford looked around him; most of the experienced marines watched the line looking out for any sign of trouble while a few green horns looked at the dead marine a fellow recruit from the island Ford realised.
"Eyes front Marines…… you boys can't help him now, but you can keep your sorry behinds alive by watching out for that bastard sniper! First Marine to Bag that son Of a bitch gets a crate bought by me!"
A resounding "Oooooh Rah Gunny" went up the line, it wasn't much but it did enough to lift spirits a little for the Marines who were on their last legs. Most of them had some sort of minor wound and dig tired, even Ford's eyes were like sand paper and felt exhausted but he couldn't show it; Ford had to maintain the illusion of the unflinching SNCO the type that eats steel and pisses bullets but this was hard to maintain when you have had half an hour sleep in 4 days.

From start the mission to hold the comms relay had gone south very quickly, instead of a under strength security platoon with a small host milita they found a reenforced division loaded for bear, while the objective was taken and held the covering air unit had been decimated by a wing of merc's and they tore up any chance for resupply or more importantly any chance to evac.
Ford knew it wasn't long till they ran out of ammo or rations and then they would have to surrender, a prospect he wasn't relishing, these rebels had garnered a rep for being brutal durring this civil war it was one of the reasons the navy had been sent in. Ford hoped that the fleet would send back up and soon before they hit breaking point.
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