Logbook entry

A Long Trip To Ngurii - 9 May 3304

09 May 2018XxSnoopyDogxX
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A Long Trip To Ngurii - 9 May 3304

After received invitation to Long Sight Base by Engineer Elvira Martuuk. I have plotted my course to Khun and it was a pleasant trip. Upon arriving to Long Sight Base, I was greeted by Engineer Elvira Martuuk and she gave me a tour of the base. We had a good conversation and she is willing to work on engineering my ship. In order to please her, she was so fascinated on long lost alien civilization in Soontil System. She have directed me to Cheranovsky City, Ngurii to obtain 3 of Soontill Relics for her research. So, I have plotted my course to Cheranovsky City, Ngurii which took 33 long jumps to get there. It was an exhausting trip and I have finally made it. After purchasing three of Soontil Relics and I have plotted my return course to Khun; during the course of the trip, I had a pirate ship attempted to interdict me, but it was unsuccessful. 33 long jumps later, I finally made it to Khun safely. To my satisfaction; Engineer Elvira Martuuk was so happy to have these relics and started working on engineering my ship. I am going to stay in Khun for a bit before resuming my passenger missions.

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Signed off,
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