Made it to the centre
11 Dec 2015XBOXTOE
I finally made it to Sagittarius A. The centre of the galaxy. I did contemplate just carry on going to the other side, or to go up or down, but I am missing the real world, so I am headed back to civilised space. Did I say civilised? From the fractured reports I have managed to pick up, possibly from bouncing between ships that have also been making the same journey, there is a war going on between the Empire and the Federation that has just kicked off big time. I don't want to get back to find planets and stations burning, so I need to find a fast route back and help stop this madness. I have heard of an old enemy that my grandfather, CMDR Jameson told me about. The Thargoids. If they are truly coming back to our galaxy, then the war needs to stop. Only as a complete galactic force do we have any hope at all of stopping these horrors.
In the meantime, I will continue to look for places that we could settle if the need arises. As it happens, as I speak, I have just scanned a world that would fit at Myrielk AC-D C 12-1510. It is out of the way of civilisation so maybe a space port could be built there and we could think about settling away from everywhere.
Time to throttle down from Supercruise, and rest for a while now.
CMDR Toe Blarone