Federation Promotion
28 Dec 2015XBOXTOE
I have been trying to help out with some distress calls whilst I have been travelling between Njambalba and Santa Muerte. One of the distress calls was a trap. I ended up fighting fifteen ships before I thought enough is enough and blasted out. I was fine with the Diamondbacks, Eagles, Sidewinders, Vipers and Cobras, but when two Vultures and an Anaconda jumped in, I jumped out. The next distress call I answered, it was someone out of fuel who was being attacked by a wing of three, so I dealt with them and then gave the stranded ship a spot of fuel to get them to the nearest station.
Next call was a rescue vehicle giving up on a search, so I think another commander had been through recently.
After all these, I noticed I had a message. Apparently the Independent Pilot's Federation felt I was skilled enough to attain the rank of Competent.
Time to go and toast my new rank.
Take care out there.
CMDR Toe Blarone