Logbook entry

Arrived back!

17 Aug 2015Jasper Randall
Got back from my exploration trip today....
My trusty Asp, the "Golden HInd" slipped quietly into Wisoff Port in Endaditis system after an 87 day trip to Sag A* and back.
After various adventures along the way she was ready for a bit of attention in the dockyard. Repairs cost me 2.5k, hull integrity was at 0%(!) and cost over 66k to repair. Another 4k went on restocking my AFMUs. So outgoing costs about 73k. Looking good as new again now!
Now for the nice bit... traded in 120 odd pages of data, some 2501 systems in all.
Biggest single payout was for Sag A*, at 628,809 credits! So it's definitely worth a visit.
Best paying system after that came in at just under 200k, the highest single planetary payment being 61.5k, plus a discovery bonus of nearly 31k.
All in all I added over 68 million to my exploration profits, with a promotion to Pioneer as a bonus. Also more than 90% of the systems carried a first discovery bonus so my commanders name will now be on a lot more stuff out there....
So I'll be in the bar if anybody wants me! A couple of days R & R and then I'll pop over to Cartu  where my Vulture is in storage and try to decide what to do next.... do I push for Elite Explorer, or work on something else???

PS, I'm only typing this lot once, so I'll be posting this to Mobius and Elite forums too.
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︎6 Shiny!
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