Logbook entry

I don't care about the effin thargoids

17 Jun 2021VirtueAvatar
Look. Once upon a time, some time after the thargoid war began, I was keen as mustard to go after the thargoids. I needed help because I knew I wouldn't be able to face them alone, but the people I flew with were too far behind or not interested or both or something else.

A long time later, me and one other finally got our chance and I remember getting heartily roasted. It would be some time later that my ship and piloting skills would be ready to face off against a thargoid.

Eventually, recently, we got a crew of three together and were now able to kill most of the thargoid ships. This was a bit of a golden age in the war against the thargoids, adding in a bit of advanced combat to the to-do list, as it were.

But that to-do list has now gotten a hell of a lot bigger recently. A lot bigger. And I don't give a rats about thargoids anymore. This was on my mind for years, and it's dropped in priority dramatically.

And now that crew can't stop badgering me like it's the most rewarding thing in the galaxy. One of them will go out and fight the thargoids no matter what, the other one is having a cry every second day about this.

"Please come fight the thargoids."
"When are the three of us hunting the thargoids?"
"Why won't you fight the thargoids with us?"

Thargoids are yesterday's news, I'm over it, I've moved on, here have a tissue.
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