Logbook entry

The Promotional tour

30 Apr 2019Kara waldeN
“We’re live in, five, four, three,” the producer finished his count down by mouthing the last numbers and holding up fingers.

Solomon Helios smiled at the sensor array and launched straight into his welcoming speech, warmly greeting his unseen audience whose presence could only be judged by the careful monitoring of commercial transactions on virtual networks across the Empire.

Even though she was sitting on the couch opposite him, Kara barely heard what he was saying but instead extrapolated numbers from her own revenues that cycled through the contacted screen on her left eyeball. It didn’t take long for her to realise that the audience numbers for “Celebrity Pets” were not quite what they used to be and she should probably renegotiate her fee to account for the lost earnings.
Aisling Duval hadn’t been on the show for some time and it seemed Solomon might be losing his touch.

“And our first guest is self-made entertainment mogul, Kara Walden,” the presenter gushed, and Kara zoned back in. She gave everyone at home a smirk and a little wave. She’d never get tired of hearing the word Mogul.

“How marvellous for you to come on our little show,” he said and picked up a margarita glass from the table between them.

“But I see you haven’t brought any little friends with you,” he said in a disappointed manner and Kara figured the producer was sliding in some sad audience noises to the audio stream.

“Well, its funny you should mention that Solomon,” she said and produced a grey shaded snake from up one of her sleeves. It was a narrow little thing with a tail as restless as its tongue. Pale blue eyes stood out from its dark scales and it curled around her wrist as she held it up for the sensors.

She could almost hear the post production ahhs.

“What a handsome little danger noodle,” said Solomon, sitting back in his chair. Kara nodded and then stretched it out before placing it round her neck and pushing the tail into its open mouth. The snake grew still and lay flat like jewellery.

“He’s not entirely real, sorry. I’ve recently partnered with the artisans on Xihe and launched my own brand of personal protective Biomorphic pets. They will feature on the new show, and, I am sure you will all be pleased to know, coming to a luxury weapons boutique near you soon,” she replied

“Well,” exclaimed Solomon, visibly relieved, he took another swig of his cocktail and put the glass down.

“Does he have a name,” he asked absently while picking up some cue cards.

Kara looked into the sensor array and imagined someone in particular was watching.

“I call him Oub,” she said and raised one eyebrow.

“So, the new show,” Solomon moved on. “In the past, there was a low budget, but very well produced show called The Galalxies Greatest Jewel Thief,”
Kara nodded. He was at least being complimentary.

“And that show had a huge cult following for its live action, gritty depictions, of, of,” he searched for a word

“Piracy?” she suggested helpfully

“And,” he went on,

“Action?” she replied

“Yes,” he agreed vaguely.

“There were some deaths,” she admitted.

“But they were all bad,” he said and Kara nodded in agreement.

“Certainly bad at staying alive, that’s for sure,” she laughed and wondered if the imaginary audience was laughing with her.

“And the new show is going primetime, with a really huge budget, wow,” he said smugly and Kara grinned.

“Its not what you know,” she said and they shared a little look.

“So you know, I’m not one to gossip, but word is you’ve struck a deal with one rising star of the, Duval family,”

“Well, its not so much of a commercial transaction, more of a useful arrangement. I have to be honest I was sceptical about the longevity of his campaign, you know there were some terrible things done during the Purge, but recently, with Aisling’s support,”

“Princess Aisling,” Solomon interrupted to correct her.

“Princess Aisling’s support,” Kara replied icily, “It’s become clear that this is all just a family squabble that will no doubt benefit from some perspective,” she said and reached for her snake. The thin little thing came back to life in a swift coil of motion and wound itself round her wrist.
While she carried on speaking she reached for her own glass, a tall thin flute filled with water. As she did so, the snake uncoiled from her wrist, slithered down the stem of the glass and onto the table. Its tongue flickered and its blue eyes fixed Solomon with an unblinking stare.

“You see, Nova Imperium is offering an evolving political option, not so much an alternative to the establishment,” she said choosing her words carefully,
“But another way of doing things, and I think Aisling see’s something familiar in that. You only have to scratch the surface of events in Cemiess to see that the place is a hotbed for radical thinking and action, sometimes I wonder whose behind it all, don’t you Solomon?” she asked but Solomon didn’t reply, his eyes were fixed on the snake that watched him just as carefully.

Kara turned to the producer who was just out of the sensor arrays field of vision.

“Maybe now would be a good time to play the theme tune to my new show,” she said and smiled into the sensor array

“Its got Mandolins in it and its bonkers,” she said cheerfully  

The producer cut the feed
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