Logbook entry

The Galaxies Greatest Jewel Thief: The Space Bear

13 Sep 2019Kara waldeN
Record scratch

Playback freezes mid explosion.

The camera rotates around a three-dimensional scene of utter chaos amid a canopy breach.

There are seven people shooting at each other on the bridge of a Cutter. The two closest to the shattered canopy are in the process of being sucked backwards into the void with no protection.

A fully grown Polar Bear is also on the way outside. It has one giant paw latched firmly onto the shoulder of one of the two men. Fear and rage are writ in large anthropomorphic letters across its Ursine features.
On some level it seems as if the creature knows that even it's fancy white coat can’t deal with absolute zero.

Four other people are caught in desperate mid action. In frozen snapshots of carnage. One holds his shoulder. Blood squirts in great plumes from a large calibre slug wound. Another figure falls backwards to avoid rapid incoming fire. His Blaster has discharged a white-hot shot into a control panel which has shattered glass and opaque components into a never expanding radius of crystalline shrapnel.
Two more figures dive for cover. They are holding small guns with long magazines which are spraying shots on full auto wildly around the Bridge. Their Remloks are half engaged and their bodies hover in mid-air.

In the centre of this destruction stands a tall woman in a black flight suit. Her Remlok is fully engaged and darkened. She is holding a powerful looking weapon and has just shot out the canopy of the ship.
The camera spirals in lazy loops through the destruction and over the flying bodies towards her.

A cheerful female voice begins to narrate.

“Hi! Now I’m guessing that you’re probably wondering how we got here?”

“That’s me in the middle by the way. The one looking cool with the oversized Hand Cannon. That's right, I just shot out the canopy of my own ship. I mean, I had to get rid of that Bear somehow and lets face it, the fastest way off a ship is through the window!"

"This all began six hours ago in the Paresa system. Home of Nova Imperium and I’ve got to say, as someone who takes pride in her ability to think ahead, I did I not see this Polar Bear related canopy breach coming,”

The screen cuts to black and the theme tune to the Galaxies Greatest Jewel Thief kicks in.
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︎12 Shiny!
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