Logbook entry

The Eve of Battle

I’ve never recorded a log before, but now seems as good a time as any to start. I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since Dyson was bombed. Waited two years to settle down there only for it to get burned away by enzyme bombs a week after I signed the lease... C’est la vie. Spent several sleepless nights staring at the cipher ACT released. Compared notes with the enigmatic ‘Rainbro’ and the capable Commander Raziel Talner, even helped make a major break in the code: what kind of traffic log records 0 specific ship models? Sloppy on the NMLA’s part, sloppier on ACT’s. Most of those notes are crumpled now, shoved off to the sides of my workbench along with empty mugs that reek of stale coffee. At the center of my workbench rests my AR-50. I’ve been working on it all day since news of the Steel Majesty’s hijack broke, added a variable sight that accounts for gravity, fixed an issue with the magazine well’s magnetic seal. Small things to keep my mind busy as my cutter hurtles towards Hyades.

This terror campaign has robbed me of my home, my rest, and challenged the very soul of the Imperium I pledged myself to years back when Kaeso Mordanticus issued a call to arms that shook the stars. Lots of folks are turning their back on the ten billion people we’ve come to represent, losing faith because of a press release and a name change. If you think that our dream of the Imperium is dead then come with me and avenge it. If you think our dream is still alive then join me and fight for it. In the end it doesn’t matter why we fly into the Hyades with our rifles raised and our hardpoints deployed, what matters is that we do it. The Treaty of Paresa means that our fates are intertwined with the Duvals: with Hadrian, no matter what title he holds. We’re gonna drag Theta Seven out of the shadows and into Achenar’s light, and when he reveals his mysterious ‘benefactors’, we’ll come for them too.

Vivat Hadrian, I’ll see you on the field.
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