Logbook entry

3303-03-04 In a Nutshell

23 Apr 20172301
I tired of the petty squabbles of the core worlds, so I made the move to Colonia. Things were good, until more people arrived. It turns out people are the same wherever you put them. Colonia became nothing more than an extension of the bubble. All the same issues, all the same infighting. It was time for me to go home and face up to reality.

I sold the few pieces of equipment I had in Colonia and made the long trek home. Finally arriving at Thome, I found things in disarray. Red Dice Systems had been suffering from a lack of pilots willing to do the dirty work and influence had fallen.

Luckily we had a strong industrial base, and had even expanded into nearby systems. Four weeks I spent. Four weeks doing the dirty work, the hauling, the killing, the deliveries. For what? For influence, to bring the security that our organisation provides to thousands more people, and sure for the glory.

We had great results. New star ports under our control, quarterly profits up hugely, consolidated control over half a dozen systems. But it never felt right, this wasn't the adventure I left home for. With no other Commanders to share the load with, it was hard, lonely work.

The kind of loneliness that really focuses the mind. That drives you to make decisions, drastic decisions. And I'd made mine.

Just the final preparations to make...

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