Logbook entry

3303-03-12 The Beginning

23 Apr 20172301
The plan is simple, get away from humans, get away from the fighting and the stress, and see the galaxy. Hitting Elite ranking in exploration, and the money that comes with it is a nice side effect as well.

I've prepared my Clipper, sure I could take the Asp, but I'm gonna be on board a very long time, may as well travel with style. I've also sacrificed some jump range for better equipment, but I'm in no rush.

With everything in place I stopped off at Eranin, I'd spent a lot of time here in my early days, but mainly I was here to pick up some, special, supplies for the journey. A single bottle of Eranin Pearl Whisky. I'll keep that with me on the bridge, as a treat to mark the occasion when I hit Beagle Point.

And for the sake of posterity, I took note of my previous journeys. Over 5 weeks flying time, 300 kylies travelled, and nearly twelve thousand systems visited. It'll be fun watching those numbers tick up.

Waypoints set, and I head out into the deep black. Who knows how long it'll be before I see human space again.
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