Logbook entry

3303-04-23 The First Destination

23 Apr 20172301
This is a late one, but I was getting so close I had to reach some kind of conclusion before retiring for the night. I have now arrived at my first waypoint, Hawking's Gap. After several thousand light years of only me and the stars, I started to see first discovery tags again, including some by Dr. Arcanonn himself!

I knew I was near, so I had to power through and then I saw it on my navigation panel, unregistered communications beacon. Unfortunately, the mysteries of this beacon had long been solved by the good people at Canonn, but I'm going to poke around in the area, see if there's anything they missed. Apparently there are some abandoned outposts nearby...

Finally, for the record, I'm 11.4 kylies in having travelled for just over a month. This is my slowest exploration trip so far, but without a doubt my most rewarding.

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