Logbook entry

3303-04-29 Abandoned Bases, and More?

29 Apr 20172301
Following the stories doing the rounds in the deep space explorer community, I found the strangest thing in the void, a beacon. A clearly man made, high tech beacon, transmitting a bizarre message every hour.

It immediately reminded me of the stories brought back over the past few months. There were three beacons in all, and running the transmissions through the computer revealed the location of four abandoned bases. Clearly reasonably modern, but completely abandoned.

They gave me the creeps, but I still had to check them out.

Unfortunately, or maybe it was lucky, I don't know, but there was no one to be found. No sign of living beings here for a very long time. I made detailed scans of the areas and encrypted them. Surely someone will pay good money for this information, I just have to decide who I can trust...

Aside from a few simple resources and spare parts, there were log files. They told the story of a group of people, on a long range expedition. In the days before the FSD in fact! These people spent some real time out here! Anyway, they all seem to have been kept in the dark about what they were doing.

I searched the local area for a few days, but found nothing more. With no leads there was virtually zero chance of finding anything out here so I moved on. Plotted a course for waypoint 2, towards the core, and twice as far as I'd travelled already!
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