Logbook entry

3303-05-02 Disaster!

02 May 20172301
I guess it had to happen sooner or later, with too many late nights flying, only half paying attention. There it was on the surface, my scanners picked something up but I couldn't get a visual. Simple solution of course, head down and take a look. Maybe I headed down too fast. Just maybe.

So a loss of attention, not realising quite how fast I was descending. Then the sound of shields breaking and a massive crunch. Suddenly woken from my half aware state, I sat there, fully alert, for what felt like forever. Despite the most terrible cracking sound as my canopy started to lose integrity, there was no loss of atmosphere. No pressure alarm.

I was lucky, damn lucky.

Carefully, I picked my way through the ship, past the detritus which had come loose in the unceremonious landing, and made my way to the SRV. After a thorough inspection, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing which couldn't be fixed. I made some field repairs to the worst of the damage and felt confident it'd hold together. Unfortunately the paint is looking a bit worse for wear now though.

Anyway, back out into the black, and maybe fewer planetary landings this time!

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