Logbook entry

3303-06-07 The Great Annihilator, and a Renewed Vigour

14 Jun 20172301
As I approach the core, the star field really becomes an amazing sight, you truly see the beauty of the milky way, and this spurred me on to reach my goal.

I couldn't tell you how long ago as the days, the jumps, and the stars, are all blurring into one continuous experience, but I spotted an incredible nebula only a few hundred light years away. I plotted a course to the centre of it and was rewarded with the most beautiful sight.

Taking the final jump in, I must have spent hours just revelling in the colours. It was such as stark contrast to the eternal black I'd been travelling through.

The nebula had of course been fully explored previously, no doubt attracting a previous explorer in the same was as it called to me, but I took thorough scans anyway.

There was one downside to the nebula however, everything else that I saw between it and the Great Annihilator just seemed dull in comparison. That was of course, until I arrived at my destination. I've been to the core before but that was under race conditions and I was in a stripped out ship. No time for sight seeing. This time, I was going to make the most of it.

As I arrived at the incredible black hole, I got chills. I'm not sure why, I've seen them before. Hell I've seen Sag A* before. But this time it really impacted me. I guess it was the sheer terror of the thing? Or perhaps the mind bending gravitational lensing, making light behave in utterly alien ways.

Whatever it was, I basked in the warped light of the galactic disc for a while, before heading on towards the core, now impatient and keen to see more of the galaxy's wonders.

17 kylies travelled, countless more to go.

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