Logbook entry

3303-06-14 The Core, and Decisions to be Made

14 Jun 20172301
Now that I had my second wind, progress was fast. I covered the (relatively) short distance between the Great Annihilator and the core in a matter of days.  You know, you really get a sense of perspective out here. I just travelled nearly three kylies, and consider that just round the corner, but there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of pilots back in the bubble who will never travel that far from home in their lifetime.

I know, I know, I'm beating round the bush. Well Sagittarius A*, the fabled supermassive black hole at the centre of our galaxy, the benchmark for explorers of all kinds. It's kind of disappointing nowadays. I'm not saying the black hole itself has changed, it's still the same magnificent, awe inspiring colossus. No, I'm talking about the god damned tourists. Ever since that beacon went up, you can hardly move at Sag A* for stupid gaudy tourist ships constantly prattling on about being in the top 1% of all liners out there. What does that even mean!?

Ah well, at least it's nice to see some people. Even if I did keep my distance from them.

Oh and about those decisions, after the unfortunate incident with the planet and a couple of close brushes with some stars, I'm increasingly concerned about the old girl holding together. I brought repair supplies for the important systems, so can keep those running in tip top condition, but I do have nightmares about the ship just tearing in two at some point. This left me with a decision to make, forge on with the original plan which is another 100 kylies and risk a cold lonely death, or head somewhere for repairs.

Colonia isn't too far away, that might make a good stopping point. But before then, I've spotted an interesting looking cluster of black holes only a few kylies from the core, I think I'll check them out.
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