Logbook entry

3303-06-27 Messages From Home, and Shifting Priorities

27 Jun 20172301
You know, even though deep space exploration involves being isolated from the rest of humanity, you're still never completely cut off. Between the hundreds of deep space probes, monitoring stations, and other explorers relaying signals from the bubble, it doesn't take more than a couple of weeks to get the latest news.

And what news we've had!

In the middle of surveying a patch of black holes (and a surprising amount of Neutron stars), I saw the news from the Pleiades. Two Federal capital ships and numerous others destroyed. Rumours of the return of the Thargoids, thousands of good people dead.

Utterly stunned by the news, I found myself unable to think of anything other than the bubble and this grave threat to the whole of humanity. I came here to escape politics, but this ... this transcends petty politics. In the face of such a threat, what other option do we have? Regardless of the rights and wrongs of who started what or who attacked who, we have an undeniable threat to our very existence.

I have no option. I need to get back. I need to find whoever is willing to stand for humanity, whoever is willing to fight, and stand by their side.

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