Logbook entry

3303-07-23 The Conflux and the Home Straight

23 Jul 20172301
Another few thousand light years down, countless more systems and planets scanned.  With home in sight, I've not been keeping as detailed records so I couldn't tell you how many flight hours it took to get here.

What I can say, I'm 8 kylies from home.

I can also say the recent news put a whole new slant on these bases. The logs left behind paint a picture or some desperate project aimed at finding humanity a new home in the stars, but at the same time needing to keep this secret so badly that everyone there was expendable. The brutality of this galaxy knows no bounds, and if you believe the conspiracy theories they're all in on it. Right now I don't know what to believe, who can be trusted. First, I have to get home.

And of course the real tragedy, these missions were sent out in a time before the FSD. A time when it took months to get here and absolutely no one had been here before. Now, with instant jumps in excess of 50ly, these missions could have been done by a handful of people, and would have aroused virtually no suspicion.

Ah well, nothing I can do from out here. Next stop, Thome Gateway!
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