Logbook entry

3303-08-02 Numbers, Numbers, Numbers

02 Aug 20172301
After a short rest and hitting up a few of my favourite sights in the station, it was back to business. As tempting as extended shore leave may be, I just can't get the imminent threat out of my mind.

On review of my ship's databanks, I have well in excess of 350 million credits worth of scans, far more than I ever expected but it seems Universal Cartographics increased payouts hugely while I was away. I am also well aware that Sirius Gov will pay three times the standard rate to Commanders willing to work for them. I could well be looking at the first 1 billion credit exploration expedition! I've certainly not heard of anyone making anywhere near this kind of money from exploration before.

It'll be risky, and if I make a mistake, I could lose everything so caution is paramount. Heading into my hangar at Thome, one ship stood out as perfect for the job, The Means To An End, my trusty Anaconda.

I say trusty, while it's an effective ship, I can't say I ever warmed to it. It can carry huge amounts of equipment and cargo, but it's the dullest thing I have ever flown. But for this job, it's perfect. Huge cargo capacity to get the Sirius work done as quickly as possible, and huge shields to keep me safe from even the most determined attacker. Nothing short of a navy vessel is going to stop me!

Oh and I almost forgot! The stats for the journey!

4 months, 15 days of travel time
162 flying hours
65,632 light years travelled
1934 jump
(crash landings 1)
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