Logbook entry

Battle Log 1 - Broadsides at Dawn.

24 Jan 2021DingBatDave
Two behemoths cross each other like mating whales dancing in the black. But these whales have teeth!  

We are in a conflict zone... no iron in this fight but the Elite German Commanders EGC are encroaching on our adopted home system. We have been in a civil war for a few days now and I have been fighting alone against the encroaching menace.

I put the call out to my wing mates for support. And no less than all of them answered the call.

We have no iron in this fire. But non the less this is our adopted home system and we like our status que just as it is.

I watched the behemoths from 2k out. A dark anaconda painted in neon red on black. Red engine plumbs ablaze spewing red beams and red multi cannon projectiles like a hungover Scotsman on a Monday morning.


Closing now, nose to nose the Anaconda stacked! and an EGC Elite Corvette. A deadly game of beam laser chicken.  

They go nose to nose as I'm watching, my multi cannons primed and ready and of course PACK HOUNDS. I never leave home without them...  

It looked like it was happening in slow mo... they passed each other like ancient Man-O-War clipper ships.
Broadsides ablaze in brilliant light.... beautiful but devastating. The Corvette exposes it's venerable belly and the Conda wastes no time in ripping it's shields off with heavily augmented Beams.... ALL IN RED.

The Vettes shields sputter and collapse as it boosts away like a scalded rat.

All Pips to engines I give chase , It's my turn!

I target the fleeing Corvette's drive. - 100%

24 Pack hound missiles out! Whistling and twisting through the void like a crazed flock of sparrows they zero on the Vette's drive and impact one after the other.

100, 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10  0..... %

The drive is down but the monster still has teeth. I open up with cannons and more Packhouse and her hull is failing.

But as I see it floating in space, drive off line, no control, helpless as a beached whale... I pause and turn away and think. This time I'll let you pass... You are beaten and you know it. Slink away now EGC minion. And don't come back...

My Anaconda wingman Cmdr RedStorm has no such romanticism in mind.

I don't look as I hear the dull devastating hum of stacked Beams ripping through space.


An explosive flash reflects in my canopy and a behemoth corvette becomes mere fragments.

"Combat Bonds Received" Flash on my info panel.
No time for remorse, I look to my contacts tab...

Contacts Tab
--EGC Corvette

"RED, Mate we got another Vette 5k out, Level deadly"

Cmd Redstorm - "Rgr That, HA! level deadly? they'll have to do better than that."

We like our Status Que EGC.
Pick a different system...
Do you like it?
︎4 Shiny!
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