Logbook entry

The Turning Tide

14 Dec 2015Nyninch Anaconda
Today it happened. After two weeks of solid support, round the clock aggression and subversion, and a not insubstantial amount of spending, my crew and I have started to see progress.

I guess a bit of background would help, so if you've not been paying attention to Tobias Simril's broadcasts I'll give you the cliff notes. Two, three weeks back, a small group of Pilot's Fed commanders and I got together to discuss our disapproval of certain elements in the Bhado system. Petty tyrants and a flaccid democracy, linking arms with a corporation that keeps its citizens in check with money more binding than any set of chains forged on Achenar. Same old story, repeated across so called civilised space so much it all merges into one big mess.

But then there's the Brotherhood. Now don't get me wrong, these guys are criminals. Re-entry scum, burn outs and try hards in the lower ranks. But their officers have got vision. More than that, they've got some values behind them; targeting military transports ahead of civvies, sustainable protection rackets. It's downright tribal, but hey, I like the classics and you don't get much more classic than clans that can forge a solid resistance in the face of adversity.

Now the Revolution (those limp democrats I mentioned earlier), named more for spinning on the spot achieving jack than any form of tumult or liberation I've witnessed, have been getting fat. We screwed the pooch a bit on week one, supported the Brothers against the League, those tin pot Napoleon types trying to lord it over some armpit outpost with the good fortune to have an outfitting hangar worth a damn. Didn't quite see that the Revolution would suck up what we cut off them. We cut a pound of flesh off of those fascists and received scraps - the Revolution was there to clean up, and we finished the war in a ceasefire leaving us down one great man and countless good ones. All paid for in fascist blood, but a poor trade if you ask me.

Well, that got us onto the right track. Chatted with some fellow anarchists in the Pilot's Fed. People pissed off with the status quo, such as it is. Solid advice was given, and we've managed to get some serious fire power in on the Brotherhood's side. Managed to grow the Anansi Syndicate into the bargain, our little clan of Pilot's Federation rejects, bad asses and 'applied realists'. With a dozen good pilots, some near kilo-tonne starships and a good bit of material, human and incendiary resources, we might just free the 10 million souls in this system yet. Let them stand up and live life by the heft of their own good arm.

As of this hour, the Brotherhood stands above all others, our influence is rising, and for the first time in a long few years, I think that the average joe could carve something close to a fair share out of this system. It won't be pretty, but ain't nothing good ever come from sitting pretty all day long. Bhado will belong to the Brotherhood, its only a matter of time now. When it does, you can be sure we'll be sticking around to make sure that these people stay free.
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