Logbook entry

Back in the Pilot's Seat

23 Jan 2016Nyninch Anaconda
After nearly a month's hiatus, I am back in action.

The last few weeks have been spent in talks with some of the more important clan-leaders and fleet captains of the Brotherhood. Seems they're holding fast to their truce and operating as a cooperative, for the most part. The old saying 'there's no honour among thieves' is plenty true, and there's some friction and even minor conflict between clans. But they're managing to hold it together.

The people are adapting well to their change in government. The clans are well aware that a purge of the population is going to make them very unpopular, so the white collar criminals and political adversaries have been allowed to depart for their respective enclaves in system. There are a few exceptions, these are rough people with a lot of anger about how they have been treated the last few decades. Best not to dwell on that.

Still, organised government has broken down into pockets of special interest, and the space lanes are the domain of the free. The economy is booming, and for the Brotherhood this is a time for celebration. I hope, however, that they'll start realising that if they plan on lasting any length of time in this galaxy, they need to expand. Several neighbouring systems are pretty much primed for Brotherhood control; the influx of narcotics and other contraband stretching the machinery of their oppression to the limit. A strong enough push from some ambitious clans wanting to carve a system up for themselves, could see our Brotherhood prosper.

In other news, the Facece coup was startling news. Dangerous news too, a dictatorship just springing up from within the Empire like that. I've done my fair share of work for all three super powers and have no love for any of them, but at least they mellow out the usual swings and travesties of government in a system. This could be an opportunity for someone, some group, to go in and push an anarchist agenda - tear down government in a symbolic and strategically important system. Maybe I'll discuss it with my pilots...
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