Logbook entry

Welcome to the Chapterhouse

01 May 2016Tan Gorn
October 3301, Kamadhenu, Shajn Market

A dominant color in the decoration of the office of Regional Chapterhouse Scribe at Shajn Market was purple. At the far wall above the desk was a holo portrait of Arissa Lavigny-Duval recently updated with Emperor’s regalia to reflect her status change. The desk itself was rumored as being from a confiscated property of a certain noble that was caught diverting the imperial supplies to Guathiti. Behind the desk sat CMDR Endincite and a grim expression on his face was contrasting with the optimistic expression on the face of the Emperor.

Another noble, thought the Scribe. They only care about their small domains. Who cares about his Ocairi, strong presence of patronages in the sphere, heart of our zone of influence, unless the Feds will go totally crazy and declare open war on the Empire, there is no way we can lose it. We are not likely to lose it even if they do. I need more people on border worlds, not in my backyard.

"Welcome to the Chapterhouse, Inquisitor. You can upload all the information we have on your personal communicator and in your ship computer. Feel free to contact me or your fellow Inquisitors for help and advice. Good luck in the void. Arissa Invicta!"

I just hope that you will learn the ropes quickly and go to some sphere where the real challenge is finished he in his head. He would probably be less grim if he knew that a very similar though went through the mind of Tan as he was leaving the office.
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