Logbook entry

Of Swords and Sake

01 May 2016Tan Gorn
December 3301, Kamadhenu, Shajn Market

Nobody in the Chapterhouse knew how Jubei Himura could find excellent sake in any god-forsaken corner of the galaxy. Jubei himself was laughing and saying that it is much harder to do it at a populated place like Shajn… Nevertheless, couple weeks ago he brought Tan to a small sushi place not far from the Chapterhouse headquarters. The place was blended so unobtrusively between a wholesale warehouse and a robot repair shop, that it made Tan think that its external decorator was a mythical shinobi. This impression was increased when he saw the skill with which small and agile owner used his sushi knife. That night their sampling of sake ended in overextending the posted hospitality of the place by almost an hour and a bill comparable with to a Cutter refueling.

Today, Tan was here alone. Alwysse said something about bringing her wardrobe in accordance with her new status of Duchess and disappeared in the direction of the most expensive boutiques at Shajn. Jubei had taken his cherished sword on board of his brand new Fer-De-Lance and took off on a mission a few days back. He was the only other pilot Tan knew who had sword stands in all of his ships, although his sword was a modern high-frequency model. Tan’s sword was kept in the family for generations, but unlike Jubei’s it was pretty useless in modern combat.

Definitely a shinobi, he thought as he sipped his sake and watched the owner excelling in his blade mastery, carving out the next order. Jubei, despite all of his stories about his upbringing, honestly did not create an impression of a samurai. Covert-ops were his specialty, and he was pretty darn good at it. Maybe Jubei is a shinobi too, and that’s how he had found the place. Of course, shinobi officially did not exist for millennia, but maybe ‘officially’ is the key word here…

Well, I am not a perfect samurai either. thought Tan, Grandfather was for sure, but he only had daughters. They all married out of the castle. Good thing my Dad did not mind me cleaning Grandfather's dojo after I cleaned our temple.
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