Logbook entry

Code and Beyond

01 May 2016Tan Gorn
December 3301. Kamadhenu, Achenar.

“Good morning, Duke” The head of Imperial Logistics returned Tan’s salute leisurely. “I have some news for you. Good one for you and bad one for me: your resignation has been signed effective 7:00 December 17th. Interesting one: Her Majesty herself wishes to give you the paperwork. Never happened on my memory before. And finally, you last supply run is rerouted to Facece. Immediately after offloading you are to jump to Achenar. Audience is tomorrow at 10:00.” His tone changed slightly. “It was a pleasure working with you, Tan. We will miss you. Remember that there are ways to help Imperial Logistics even when you are not in active duty. Now, since you are not a civilian yet… Questions? No? Dismissed!”

Next morning at 10 sharp Tan dressed in full uniform was brought into a small chamber in the Palace. Arissa Lavigny-Duval turned from the window to face him and gave him a long inquisitive look as he was completing ceremonial greetings. She held a pause a little longer and then finally spoke.

“Duke, how well do you know what your rank actually mean?”

“Imperial ranks are similar with their ancient meanings of the terms that at time of war a holder of a rank commands the force furnished, supplied, and manned by Imperial Citizen of a certain domain. The rank represents the number of Citizen. Duke designates an Officer of Imperial navy who commands a force coming from 15 to 25 billions of Imperial Citizen. As a Duke of Ocairi I will take command of the forces coming from Ocairi system and the systems within 15 light years from it. My retirement from active duty does not free me from commanding this force in case of mobilization order.”

“And in times of peace?”

“At time of peace that is just the rank. Equivalent to a Dean of College in our academic ranks, or to Sectorial Judge in the court system.”

“Good so you fully understand that unlike Dukes of the old times, you do not own Ocairi sector, you do not represent it, and you do not lead its people in time of peace. We are a bit worried here that being a Duke, an inquisitor, and a many generations resident of Ocairi, you might forget the Code definition of what Duke is that you have just quoted. Unless you become a patron yourself, you do not represent people of Ocairi. Is that clear?”

“Yes Your Majesty. I would never…”

“We value our support coming from local patronages, and your work as inquisitor is appreciated. But no matter how disgusted We are by the corporate domination in the sector, We cannot tolerate any open crimes committed against them, especially by someone who is supposed to lead the sector at the time of war. We are aware of certain methods Chapterhouse is using, but you, Duke, are to maintain the spotless reputation you have built up until now and never engage in questionable activities. Is that clear?”

“Yes Your Majesty. My plan is purely economical…”

“Keep it this way. Stay in the shadows, unless patrons put you in the spotlight. Consult Chief Scribe Endincite and Baron Himura if you really need to accomplish something questionable, and never get caught. Especially smuggling tobacco into the system.” The Emperor finally allowed herself a smile. “Good luck out there, and I am waiting for good news from Ocairi. Pick you resignation papers on your way out from my aide.”
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