Mining, a warning
23 Aug 2018Webster 962
So after many hours in the black, mining the good stuff, I finally hit the 500 t required to satisfy Selene. So, as soon as I hit 501, I headed back to the mining base, sold the cargo for a nice profit, and before heading of to Prospector's Rest in KUK to see Selene, I headed home to re-equip the Kerr Avon. It was at this point I checked the engineer tab in the cockpit, and noticed a new requirement that wasn't there before.Selene now wants 10 units of Painite!
So, I re-equipped the ship for mining, and headed back to the rings to get 10t of the elusive Painite!
But after firing of over 70 prospector limpets, I hit 10t.
At last I could head out to upgrade my hull.