Logbook entry

Entry #1: Startime 17:20.29:06.3304; Location: Maia

29 Jun 2018EuroFighter
Well, here I am sitting in the Plaedis. Wingmate needed to "take a nap" (he has been sleeping for 5 hours now) so I decided to unlock Palin, as sort of the last thing I do before I leave for the expedition. Oh, yeah, the expedition. Let me quickly explain that: CMDR BlaesTheKerbal and me are going to set out to Beagle this summer, in about a month to be precise. Classic "Beagle Point and a half circle back" route. I'm getting Palin mainly for G5 Dirtys on my Krait, which I'll use for Thargoid Hunting. I'll think of something more to add here tomorrow or so, CMDR EuroFighter out.
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