Logbook entry

Black in Green ; Entry #3 ; Startime 19.16;15.07, CMDR EuroFighter reporting

15 Jul 2018EuroFighter
Soo, I haven't been flying a lot lately, but yesterday I finally made the decision to move on: The Devils Dancefloor was awaiting me! So I went there - found 5 water worlds on the way - and got pleased with a great view.It's named because of its four neutron stars orbiting a black hole  After that I - and two more water worlds and an earth like - went to "Degenerate Trio" - named like that because it contains a black hole, a neutron star and a DAB0 Class white dwarf. Fantastic view, extra points because it's located pretty high above the galactic plane.

The third stop, Black in Green, was more exciting not only because it is like the most beautiful place in the galaxy - and I'm not even kidding - but also because of the, well, mishap that happened to me there. You should go watch the attached recording
. Unfortunatley, it can't convey the feeling going through my body at that point. My heart rate probably never skyrocketed that quickly! Remember, I was flying a slow, unmanouverable Anaconda using barely and shields and using a paper/bamboo alloy as hull with 10 million credits of exploration data on my back - and all of that 20.000ly away from the bubble.

Trying to recover from that right now, I'll probably take a short break for 5 days or so. Next target ahead is the Great Annihilator. Hmm, Ironic.
Anyway, fly safe, and never trust ships at POI's; Doesn't matter if it's a dull Diamondback or an angry Anaconda!

CMDR EuroFighter out!
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