Logbook entry

New Beginnings

07 Sep 2022Jason Sifer
"Tower, This is Concord Dawn Requesting permission to disembark" he barked over the Comm. "This is tower. Proceed." After 2 weeks sitting in the hold while in transport. Jason had grown restless. It was a big move so far from home. But with all the impending Thargoid Activity. He felt that this was the best move he could make. As Jason sat in the captain's chair. He was eager to get back out there. Suddenly he heard the loud clang of metal above him. The Fleet Carriers Hangar door began rumbling above him, suddenly the pad lifted up so it was flush with the hull of the carrier. "Permission to disembark is granted. Safe journey Commander." He felt the Grav lock disengauge. Jason ramped up the thrusters and started moving away from the carrier. The Concord Dawn rummbled to life as its speed increased. A Heavily Modified Falcon Delacy Krait mrk II, The Dawn was Jasons primary ship. He had make billions of credits hauling Tritium for the crew of the lost generation ship. "What were their names?" He thought to himself... it had all been a blur of load jump dum reload that he even forgot who he had delivered to. But he made his fortune and was set to start his new life. "Commander, This is the Cargo Manager of the carrier The Fat White Tyke. Where would you like your ships and modules delivered? We aren't planning on staying here long before we return to the bubble. A Week at the most!" Jason sat and pondered for a minute. "Stand By," he replied before pulling up his comms. Who did he know all the way out here? Suddenly his comm rang to life. An incoming Hail from Jaques Station. "How the hell did you get all the way out here and not tell me you were coming?!" Jason laughed. It was his old pal Jeff. He hadn't seen him since he left the bubble over 3 years ago. "I booked passage on a fleet carrier. I'm in the Tir system at the moment, Say, you don't know anyone with some hangar space to hold my fleet do you? 3 Heavy class and two light class." Jason said. "I know someone in the Canonnia system that might have some space. Forwarding you his info now. I'll let him know it's coming. Come see me soon we have some catching up to do!" Jeff was grinning from ear to ear. "Alright alright, ill head that way just as soon as i let the carrier know where to send it. Sifer Out" The com fell quiet but he had missed 4 calls from the Cargo Manager. He was hot to unload and head back to the bubble. These carriers made their money doing quick burns and they needed cargo offloaded to make room for Tritum for the return trip. Jason hailed the carrier's Logistics department. An annoyed man popped up on the screen. "Well, where am i sending this junk?!" he barked. "Keep your pants on. Transmitting quadrinants now, and there better not be one scratch on my vessels or the Pilots Federation and Carrier Council will hear about it!" With a Huff the Cargo Manager ended the transmission. Jason looked up into the viewport. It had been a long time since he had been out here. The veiwport was so bright with the densely populated starfield. He open up the nav computer and plotted a course for Colonia. Time to go see an old friend.
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