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Are there any pro-Goid Cmdrs or factions out there?

29 Apr 2022Purrfect
Are you bored with the current CG's? Want to fight actual humans that could change the course of the game for thousands of players? Sirius Inc [SINC]* is about to fight a pending war to retain control of Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57 with one of the largest AX factions** in the game. It's not often pro-Goid Cmdrs get a chance to make a difference in this game. This could become legendary lore.

"Oh noes! It's one of thousands of inter-faction wars! Yawn!" ... well not this time. Due to their sheer size, if they make it to the bubble, the bubble is in for a very wild ride. They have history here, steamrolling another Pleiades AX faction and forcing them to exist in just one system more or less killing them, again claiming that they are just keeping the peace. Honestly, it's not looking good for us. Or the bubble.

Why the bubble? Their BGS team wants to go to the bubble by taking control of 8 systems that connect the Bubble and the Pleiades. The only problem for them is that these systems are controlled by us, including our headquarters, San. We do not believe many factions would agree to have 8 systems taken over let alone their HQ. So we didn't. Several times.

So they broke their Founder's coalition agreements and non-aggression pacts instead. After four months of constant defense by us, they are finally within reach of their first stepping stone towards the bubble. Recently they tried to get us to agree to the most one-sided ceasefire agreements you'll ever come across despite successfully preventing them from capturing any systems since hostilities started. We just want peace and our systems to be left alone.

We highly respect the skills of our opponents. Anyone taking part should be aware that the faction we're fighting plays in open, as we do, and are easily some of the most skilled pilots in the game and completely unafraid of PvP CZs, so expect loads of fun and lots of rebuys. This is about the only highlight for me. Always fly with a rebuy.

If you want to help, please drop into our Discord (https://discord.gg/hRtUW3v) or just come by Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-57 after Friday's tick. [SINC] carriers will be set to open access with RRR, some have shipyards and outfitting. Even if you're not pro-goid, come by and have some fun.

We also welcome Cmdrs from this faction who just found out that their leadership allowed a small and misguided team to break their faction's word, gaslight, and attack friends and allies without provocation. We have been DARVO'd for months. You might hear bad things about us. It does not matter, we will still fight. The data does not lie. You don't need to believe us. Check Inara. Check eddb. Check EliteBGS. Check Jegin. The data is there for all to see. We have been retreated from many systems and attacked in many more. If this faction arrives in your system, and comes knocking on your door with a coalition agreement or NAP, know that it's worthless.

* Sirius Inc [SINC] = completely different from all the other Sirius factions. No, not that Sirius, nor that one, nor that other one - we're basically a bunch of cool froods who know where their towels are, and just want to have some fun. It hasn't been fun for us for a while.

** I am not naming the faction, although it's trivial to find out, because for the most part, with 10+k Cmdrs, I'd suggest 99+% of their Cmdrs don't know anything about this. This post might be the first time they hear about the shameful acts their BGS Loyalists have done to bring their faction into disrepute over the last 4+ months. So please don't take it out on Cmdrs with AX loadouts... There are going to be loads of folks in the CZs willing to fight you, including the 27 BGS Loyalists. I won't name them either, because they have been playing in open when they didn't have to. We respect them, even if we don't like what they are doing.
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