Logbook entry

Back in it.

03 Jan 2016Tuurin
Well the first day back went well for the crew and I. The Feanor's new weapons are fierce weapons of war. Well worth the down time and credits to have them installed. We were supposed to rendezvous with elements of the Federal Naval Auxiliary, call sign {REDACTED}, and head out to {REDACTED} to begin some undermining runs on supporters of Denton Patreus. On a run through a local RES for weapons testing, about 11Lyrs out from Atropos, we ran into some Federal miners having a very hard time getting their job done. There seemed to be an unusually large number of pirates and other scum, very well equipped, in the area and they were relentlessly harrying the miners. Well needless to say we put the Feanor and its new weapons straight to work. Most of the day was spent in running battles with the enemy at various locations around the RES. Luckily, several FedSec patrols came through the area as well and lent a hand in the combat allowing the Feanor to withdraw to rearm and refuel several times throughout the extended battle. By the end of the assault the Feanor alone had earned almost 12 million credits in just a few short standard hours with a rather large kill count. We sent many Anacondas and Clippers, spinning in ruin, to crash among the asteroids.

I filed a report with the local Federal Security office and uploaded a copy to headquarters as well informing them on the large numbers of enemy actions taking place around the area. No doubt there is some Imperial credits being pushed around in the background to instigate the local underground pirates into to larger then normal activity. I will be sure the Feanor repays in like kind when we set out from dock tomorrow after some R and R. All in all a great test of the new weapon systems and the crew and I are very impressed with the load out. Not to mention a decent payday for the first time in almost a week....holidays....bad for business out here.
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︎0 Shiny!
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