Logbook entry

Rating 5...long awaited

17 Jan 2016Tuurin
Well I have finally achieved my level 5 rating in the Federation. I held my level 4 for several cycles while earning enough credits to be able to afford the Feanor and all her outfiiting and crew costs. Once that was done we went to work. Carrying thousands of tons of vital fortification and prep we did it! Now we have the steady income coming in to expand our operation and eventually our fleet. We've been doing patrols in RES in our free time, which is not a lot, but the bonus Hudson gives us for protecting the mining fleet at such a high ranking, as a level 5, is just huge. Our old patrols would net maybe 5-10 million on a really good run. Well now we easily double that. Along with the increase to our cycle payments we will be able to do a whole lot more work. We already have an agent out looking for a decent deal on an Anaconda that we can use to increase our fortification efforts for the Federation. Things are looking up and the whole crew, myself included, are excited about the cycles to come. Not to mention that I personally have taken a bigger role in a large group of Federation pilots, callsign (REDACTED), and together we have been making large contributions to the Federation.
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