Logbook entry

Logbook entry #1 - 13.06.3304

13 Jun 2018Tryddle
[18:51 - 13.06.3304 Voice channel initiated]
[18:51 - 13.06.3304 STT process started]
[18:52 - 13.06.3304 AVR recognized]
[18:52 - 13.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[18:53 - 13.06.3304 Waiting for input...

Logbook entry #1
Jacob Trydelius IV.
Time: 18:52
Date: 13th June 3304

Flobias told me I should begin doing a logbook. Seems like a good idea.
I got up at 8:30 and had breakfast at 9:00 o’clock, pancakes and british tea.
Synuefe KD-P b39-2. Normal system, only around 3000 credits worth.

I continued my travels without any delay, but my navigation computer was acting strangely, so I had to re-plot the route. 30 jumps, for only a quarter of the entire route. But now, there are more systems to scan, so more precious credits to earn. I was feeling a bit sick, probably because of the draught in my SRV, I need to fix the air-conditioning.  

I have the feeling that the Synuefe sector doesn’t have any planets. 7 systems without planets in a row. After lunch I talked with Flobias per com channel. He was also a member of ST6, but he was in there way longer than me. He also gave me the advice to do a logbook or jounal, because it would help me afterwards. In the late afternoon, I decided to land on a planet and collect some materials. There was a beautiful sight. The moon orbited a Y-star with a massive ring system. I collected 18 kilograms Chromium, 9kg Iron, 6kg Nickel, 3kg of Niobium and Phosphorus, and 3kg Sulphur.

As I lifted off and left the moon, suddenly I got the urge to visit that ring around the brown dwarf. It wasn’t a very good idea. As I had left supercruise, my voice channel with Flobias was interrupted and I saw a pirate approaching me with deployed hardpoints. I quickly turned around and escaped him before he could shoot me, but I forgot to turn the voice channel back on. I realized my mistake and after some troubleshooting it worked again.

At 18:30 I had dinner and was ready to go to bed, when my com channel started to freak out. I ran to the cockpit, thinking there was a call and then turned around, heading to the bedroom. I'm currently in HR 1778, a system worth around 800000 credits. That was a fluke! So I'm at around 1/8 of my route to the Witch Head Nebula and I've already seen very beautiful places. I can’t wait to see the Nebula then. I hope Mrs. Farseer will be happy with the exploration data. Otherwise.....
No, it will work.

Jacob out.

[18:56 - 13.06.3304 Waiting for orders...]
[18:56 - 13.06.3304 Audio input shut down]
[18:57 - 13.06.3304 AVR finished]
[18:57 - 13.06.3304 STT process shut down]
[18:58 - 13.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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