Logbook entry

Logbook entry #12 - 24.06.3304

24 Jun 2018Tryddle
[18:28 - 24.06.3304 Voice channel initiated]
[18:28 - 24.06.3304 STT process started]
[18:29 - 24.06.3304 AVR recognized]
[18:29 - 24.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[18:30 - 24.06.3304 Waiting for input...]

Logbook entry #12
Jacob Trydelius IV.
Time: 18:31
24th June 3304

Today I finally arrived in Deciat, got Mrs. Farseer to actually want to complete any contract, got over 30 million credits and might get included in a war.

But first things first. I was waked up by the headlights in the station. After a quick breakfast, I left the station. I was busy planning things in the back of the ship, when suddenly a shockwave rocked my home: a pirat had attacked my ship! I ran to the cockpit, shouting in my com what the fuck he was doing. He said I will die and continued shooting. He was in an awful mood apparently.

I jettisoned the jadeite canister I had on board, hoping that was what he wanted. Apparently yes. I quickly jumped away, but I saw how some police officers engaged him in a fight.
My thrusters were damaged, so I tried out to use another AFMU. Well, somehow it completely fucks you if you use them in supercruise. My FSD failed and I was teared in normal space.

I did handle the situation quite well, and after a reboot of my shield generator, everything was fine again. So I continued my trip back to Deciat, where I eventually landed on Farseer Inc.
Mrs. Farseer was utterly happy to see me with that precious data. We made a contract, she got the data, I got credits and can now fully use her offers. The rest of the data, I didn't sell all.

In Tjalalang, where I sold the data, I got the message that the war had begun. The inevitable had come reality.

Instructions for now: Get a combat ship. Quickly.

Hail the empress. Jacob out.

[18:35 - 24.06.3304 Waiting for orders...]
[18:36 - 24.06.3304 Audio input shut down]
[18:36 - 24.06.3304 AVR finished]
[18:37 - 24.06.3304 STT process shut down]
[18:37 - 24.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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