Logbook entry

Logbook entry #15 - 27.06.3304

27 Jun 2018Tryddle
[18:35 - 27.06.3304 Voice channel initiated]
[18:35 - 27.06.3304 STT process started]
[18:36 - 27.06.3304 AVR recognized]
[18:37 - 27.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[18:38 - 27.06.3304 Waiting for input...]

Logbook entry #15
Jacob Trydelius IV.
Time: 18:39
27th June 3304

This morning, I was ready to fight again. However, Ringeck told us the agenda for today. Increasing our influence in Tjalalang and, secondly, fighting in the war.

As I told you yesterday, I don't want to go in conflict zones alone. So I decided to use my spare time and get those resources for the FSD blueprint. After searching for datamined wake exceptions in some famishing systems (I know that's a bit tacky), but I didn't found any. Out of boredom I jumped in an encoded emissions call, and found some chemical destilleries. I didn't search for them, yet I needed them.
Then I had everything to do the first step of engineering my drive. After around two hours I finished with a jump range of fifty light years.

To get the next grade, I needed some poisonous arsenic and some datamined wake exceptions. After failing to find any of the latter, I used the board computer to find a planet with a high chance of arsenic.
2.9% was the highest I found, and only 52 lightyears. It sucked that it took two jumps but it was acceptable. I landed on the planet and, again, it was so close to its moon, it was creepy. I drove around a bit and found some minor minerals. But then my scanner showed something weird, a red zone.

Due to my curious nature I approached the area and instantly regretted it. Some weird drone-ish things attacked me. In the heat of the moment I went into reverse and rushed away from the zone. But reverse driving without looking back on a mountainous planet isn't that of a good idea. My head hit the desktop and I got unconscious.

When I woke up the SRV had bogged down and my fuel reserves were at 23 percent. After taking some medical supplies I continued my trail, carefully avoiding the red zone on the radar.
In the end, I found 6 kilograms of arsenics.

It was already 17:30 when I came back to Tjalalang. I was very tired, but I wanted those datamined wake exceptions really badly. After sobering forty-five minutes of getting useless data, I returned to the station.

I hope I'll get them tomorrow. May the war be finished soon.

Hail the empress, Jacob out.

[18:45 - 27.06.3304 Waiting for orders...]
[18:46 - 27.06.3304 Audio input shut down]
[18:46 - 2.06.3304 AVR finished]
[18:47 - 27.06.3304 STT process shut down]
[18:47 - 27.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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