Logbook entry

Logbook entry #17 - 29.06.3304

29 Jun 2018Tryddle
[18:45 - 29.06.3304 Voice channel initiated]
[18:45 - 29.06.3304 STT process started]
[18:46 - 29.06.3304 AVR recognized]
[18:47 - 29.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[18:48 - 29.06.3304 Waiting for input...]

Logbook entry #17
Jacob Trydelius IV.
Time: 18:49
29th June 3304

I'm still feeling a bit dizzy, but certainly better than yesterday.

In the morning I wanted to do some courier-ish thingies in Tjalalang, but when I got to the CEO's office and looked on the white board, there was nothing. No single mission for me. I guess I'm not eligible to do the other missions. At least that's what the board showed me. So I jumped to Eravapa and did some missions there. Didn't go very well, there were also only four contracts.

Desperate I ate lunch, and whilst watching two girls giggling about me, I had an idea. Heading to the cantina, I searched for Rodriguez, a coworker at Sissy. He once told a story about an abandoned mining outpost with plenty of materials, but I wasn't really listening. After I had a short talk with him, he told me the planet's name and the shaft's coordinates:

Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A5 ; 44.818 / -31.389

So I was beginning my journey. Well, it was less of a journey than a short afternoon trip, when you have 50 Lightyears of jump range. I left the station at 14.00 and reached the system at 16.00.
But, you should know, I'm not very good at finding places just using some weird numbers. I was searching over an hour for the outpost called Dav's Hope. After some time I logged in the GalWeb and searched for a program for my Remlok Overlay. I found one pretty quick. It's called EDISON, after the swedish physicist. I think he was swedish, I mean, it was told us like this, so I guess it won't be wrong.
It basically shows you how to maneuver your ship to certain coordinates based on your alignment and location. Pretty neat.

When I finally found the outpost, I knew why it was so famous. There were components, probably worth hundreds of thousands of credits, lying around on the floor just like scrap. In just half an hour I found 6 tons of chemical distillery. It took me three days to get me the half of this!

I parked my ship a bit outside of the settlement. I'm going to bed now, maybe I'll practice some organ.

Hail the empress, Jacob out.

[18:52 - 29.06.3304 Waiting for orders...]
[18:52 - 29.06.3304 Audio input shut down]
[18:53 - 29.06.3304 AVR finished]
[18:53 - 29.06.3304 STT process shut down]
[18:54 - 29.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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