Logbook entry


24 Oct 2020Koji Kanuto

Situada a las afueras de la Instalación Ford, en el Planeta Asture 3 c, se encuentra ubicada la base de La Flota de los Astures. Hace poco que nos hicimos con el local, un viejo burdel minero, y comenzamos el reacondicionamiento del asentamiento. En este momento andamos escasos de personal, si te interesa ganarte unos créditos trabajando para la Asociación Anarquista Asture (ASTURE PARTNERSHIP), pasa a informarte, te invitamos a un brandy laviano y charlamos de negocios.


Located on the outskirts of the Ford Installation, on Planet Asture 3 c, the base of La Fleet The Astures is situated. We recently took over the premises, an old mining brothel, and began the reconditioning of the settlement. At this moment we are short of staff, if you are interested in earning a few credits working for the Asture Anarchist Association (ASTURE PARTNERSHIP), come to inform you, we invite you to a Lavian brandy and talk about business.

+info: Escuadrón de los Astures | Asture System | Comandante Koji Kanuto |
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