Logbook entry

[IPG] Civil War

29 Jun 2018Kowkiller363
Log of Commander Kowkiller to IPG faction leaders:
/Completion of Mission/
Mission Codename: Priest
This log entry is being made to record the events that happened on the eve of June 30 3304.
The mission of the [IPG] faction was to assist in the destruction of heretics for the HIP 52780 Front faction.
Wing: CMDR Asklee; CMDR Snake; CMDR Kowkiller

Personal Account: I had received heavy damage on my first attack run through the Low Intensity zone within our system. Flying a hull tank vulture was not the smartest plan I have ever surmised for the canopy was far to weak to stand up to the firefights within a conflict zone. After I saw bullet holes through my canopy and the composite shattered I had to make a quick getaway to Goddard. Thankfully for me our Commanders have some of the best synchronization and communication, as soon as I called over the comms they were targeting the bogy on my six, and allowed for me to make my getaway. I have heard that war was hell but I never was expecting this. This war is completely out of hand already and didn't start all that long ago.

I had safely returned to our station within the four minutes of air I had, and decided the best course of action was to retrieve my Python. Upon doing so I heard the Front call for assistance and that their fleet was thinning drastically. I called CMDR snake to confirm their situation, it was indeed dire. I roared through the mail slot at terminal velocity just nearly missing a passenger liner on the way out. As I dropped into the warzone my heart skipped a beat. Four heavy-duty Elites were tearing our fleet apart. I recall a pair of Anacondas, a Fer-De-Lance, and a Chieftain. I quickly scanned the field for my wing and say them eight clicks away. Even though they flew their Kraits with elegance CMDR Lee's and CMDR Snake's shields were about to pop due to the sheer firepower being slammed against them. I boosted my python into the fray to assist them.

The main threat being the pair of Anacondas I deployed my pulse lasers and beam. Targeting the one firing at Lee I fired my beam in order to drop the ship's shields and gain its commander's attention. I engaged in a synchronized attack with Lee on pure instinct and adrenaline, targeting the Conda's power plant and watching my pulse weapons melt through its hull it quickly fell. We turned to the next Conda while snake disassembled the Chieftain with ease. To be honest I wasn't worried about Snake at all, he was clearly a pure warrior bread for battle. This Conda was clearly the more experienced of the two and kept pace with our smaller quicker vessels. My shields popped before his and I had to quickly evade a missile strike before being able to fire on him again. Before I could bare my weapons on the target however Snake in a blur fired his plasmas into the Conda's side. I saw the hull buckle and bend in on itself before exploding due to ammunition and fuel ignition.

The Fer-De-Lance was on the defensive but three highly skilled commanders made mincemeat of the ship. It popped out of existence and the Front had a clear hold on the situation after this. Our mission was completed, we had thinned the ranks of our enemies allowing for the Front to have a stronger foothold in the war. This was a political power move on our factions part and I hope that it was the right decision to make.

/CMDR Kowkiller's Personal account of the war will be publicized./
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