Logbook entry

[IPG] War with Ace Photographics- Lies and Truths.

10 May 2020Kowkiller363
{CMDR Kowkiller- Personal Understanding of the War and what events transpired.}
[All information is turned into broad statements but can be found in detailed documented accounts in file -WARS-]
[Wil be expanded upon as more details come out.]

The Independent Pilots Guild [IPG] has gone to war with another faction known as Ace Photographics. IPG is a proud faction of elite fighter pilots, traders, and independant pilots who all dream of the rags to riches story. They all engineer their ships to be the best of the best for any situation that is warranted. Sadly their efforts are being undermined and grind slowly to a halt by those who are too cowardly to fight a stronger faction face to face. Ace Photographic is a small faction of inexperienced pilots who want to try and play underdog in a war that should have never been started in the first place. They have flown in small privately run groups in order to try and sneak under the radar of IPG and undermine systems that should never be in the hands of such a Greenhorn set of commanders. Very rarely does an Ace commander fly in the open, and when they do they are targeted because of the state of war that has befallen these groups. They have created many lies and tried to call more skilled commanders griefers and bullies when they get handed their insurance policies on ships that were destroyed.  Some commanders that run with Ace are known combat loggers. They have fought in mainly CQC arenas or have puttered around the galaxy sucking their thumbs on small courier missions. Ace Photographics is unqualified for war and has been trying to back up their miserable performance with lies and deception. Here are all of the cleanest records that IPG has on the war so far and what has actually happened. This will be compared to some of the propaganda sent out by the Greenhorns.

During war, propaganda is spread. This is one of the harshest realities of war. Contrary to the unceremonious lies that are being blatantly produced and distributed to the masses in the Xerabeye system, IPG did not want war with Ace Photographics. Numbers don't lie. Politics, poetry,  and promises these are all lies, but numbers are as close as we get to the handwriting of God. IPG has been around for about two years now and has expanded exponentially. The occupied systems have reached a total of 32 [As of this writing.]  Zhou Maola was within one of the original bubbles of expansion and now is being tainted by a slimy scheme cooked up by Ace Photographics commanders. They used tactics similar to the Zimmerman Note, crying out for aid against a greater power and writing false articles on what happened. Ace started the war by flying is private groups. They started killing Clean Traders and system authority vessels.  This tactic caused the influence of the IPG faction to drop drastically without any way for IPG pilots to fight back against the main threat, which were the Ace pilots.

These serial killers cowardly shielded themselves in their own little bubbles. A leader of wartime efforts CMDR Sssnake tried to reason with a leader of Ace CMDR Creedo. Sssnake can be quoted telling Creedo that "We need to talk" in which Creedo responded with "What is there to talk about?" There were no further attempts at diplomacy after this.

IPG started to patrol their systems in multiple wings at once. They would fight in combat zones and watch for Ace pilots who now were designated [Shoot on Sight] This system was to allow backup to always be available in case a player new to PvP was ganked by the opposing side. However the tides quickly turned when an enemy ship running Ace tags was apprehended. CMDR V Clara was in a poorly equipped Fer-De-Lance  and after being apprehended, and fired upon for running enemy tags. She quickly combat logged. She was warned she was in enemy space and did little to help herself by insulting the commanders who warned her. This was seen as an act of aggression and she was promptly followed to be exterminated. For the use of multiple engineered ships against one in a state war IPG pilots were called bullies. IPG uses engineered ships in order to better protect their assets and will defend what they have gained to the last ship. IPG is fighting a war against a faction that believes bringing a knife to a gunfight is a sound tactic. Trudging forward through this war only way forward in a situation that is getting more and more deceitful as each day passes. Ace Photographics have awoken a sleeping giant, and it is hungry for blood.

IPG has never received any invitations for 1v1 personal combat. The enemy has only come after CMDRs who are trading and doing other innocent activities for the betterment of their faction. Cockpit footage shows Ace members in Krait Mk. IIs and Cutters attacking vulnerable targets and then hiding when the true combat forces are scrambled to the location.  Hardly the type of honorable combat the Ace's propaganda network is saying they are trying to condone.

In conclusion, the Ace Photographics menace is causing disruptions to IPG territory. When diplomatic hands where reached out Ace slapped them away with their snide remarks. As soon as the full force of the IPG armada was unleashed upon the encroaching enemy they complained of the fighting to be unfair and unjust. It is reminiscent of the earthly world wars when the German Empire called Americans barbaric and inhuman for using shotguns in trench warfare. IPG brought the shotgun of years of training, built relationships, and grinding to the perfect engineered ship to the trenches of system warfare. The enemy should have thought long and hard before engaging in the conflict or should have at least tried to seek diplomatic agendas instead of sneaky slimy tactics. These are the reasons for IPG to have to take such extreme action in this wartime.
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