Logbook entry

[IPG] I Didn't Start the War, but I Don't Like Leaving Loose Ends

06 Dec 2020Kowkiller363
{From the Log of CMDR Kowkiller}
{Title is a quote from Unknown Commander fighting under IPG}

Ace Photographics has been eradicated, and the carcass of their small empire is being picked clean by the so called wolves they had thought were their allies. Their pilots have regrouped and moved to a different part of the bubble to start a new faction under new management. Infighting caused the complete collapse of their original faction and makes the future of the new Ace look grim. We will see how their sharp tongued bureaucrat handles his new home. Hopefully he doesn't cause calamity and waste the time of those strong pilots under him. They deserve better than to be used as pawns to one man's oversized ego.

The long hours of protecting systems has now come to an end and we are able to finally settle in and look towards the future. I write this at a time where we have ended the war in a stronger position than when we began it. I would like this fact to be a monument to the momentous achievement we have accomplished. We laboured exuberantly in order to build up a shield, deflecting the threat that was at our door. Through every struggle we prevailed and along the way we learned how to run our faction like a well oiled machine. All of these accomplishments were part of a team effort that spanned many systems with even more stations.

The war began when our Chief of Operations saw a dip in the influence of IPG in Zhou Maola. At first we didn't know what to make of this peculiar incident and did not pay much mind to it. We had known that there was a new faction close to our home. It was an infant that hoped to grow into a great power. The original leader of the faction was a break off from IPG. He was a CMDR that flew with our friends. He was one of us and decided to make a sister to IPG in which we would accept with open comms and plenty of resources. However this did not happen. Silence was abundant and Ace slipped into the shadows of the galaxy. They made their appearance know once again by causing chaos in Zhou Maola through acts of terrorism.  They had pilots slaughter innocent traders and miners that only were trying to provide to the families of the system. This was the beginning of the end for the newly minted faction, as IPG came together as one cohesive battering ram in order to annihilate the opposition.

We tried for peace as our Combat Chief established contact with the Commander in Chief of Ace.
What is there to say? -Commander in Chief of Ace Photographics

These words were the nail in the coffin for any peace negotiations for a long time. IPG scrambled its combat pilots, under the Combat Chief, to extraordinary effect during this early part of the war sending the Ace pilots careening into the void. He also enlisted the help of intensely effective mercenary CMDRs to aid the combat front. Behind the scenes of this hail of bullets the Chief of Operations controlled the people through wealth and propaganda that calmed their minds. The IPG pilots would not fail them. The war dragged on and casualties happened early on for IPG, but an overwhelming show of force caused the Ace pilots to work in the shadows. They tried slandering IPG through articles that could barely be called creative. The Ace pilots started to focus on subtle sabotage while contacting neighbors to come to their aid. Their cries were ignored but the big factions' names were used for yet more fear mongering.  This should be expected though because Ace wrote in their description they should not be trusted.
ACE7 was believed to be defunct following a series of unproved allegations of sabotage made several years ago. Wheather Ace Photographics is truly a new iteration of ACE7 is yet to be determined.

The war continued for a month, yet the armour of our war machine remained undaunted. We had pushed Ace to the breaking point and nothing was working for them. Their systems were in shambles. Nothing was going to save the dwarf empire from collapsing after the infighting began. Some called for the war to continue while others yearned for peace. Peace talks were carried out and the ever proud Ace tried to force a peace that would favor them. We would not allow for it to happen. In the end the group broke and moved on leaving the husk of the former empire in ruins. IPG had done it. The war was over and Ace Photographics was no more. We breathed a sigh of relief as we continued business as usual strengthening our space. The war was over and IPG was still alive and thriving as God intended.

Thank you to everyone who fought to keep IPG thriving through all of this. Thank you to Ace Photographics for helping us strengthen our faction even more. Thank you for giving us a reason to fight.
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