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1st Fuel Rat Rescue (Cherry Pop!)

01 Oct 2015CMDR_Phreedom
So I signed up to be a Fuel Rat over month ago but had yet to be part of a rescue...until yesterday. On Tuesdays I usually park my T9, take a break from trading and head over to Lave Station, in the Lave System, to gather with other CMDR's and listen to the live broadcast of the Lave Radio show. Often members of the Lave Radio program are hanging around outside of the station as well while doing the broadcast. Well when I arrived this time there was no one around. About 5 minutes later the broadcast started and that is when I learned that the Lave Radio crew, and others, were in a convoy to the Sothis system. This convoy was part of an Elite Dangerous community goal to bring massive amounts of gold to Sothis. I checked my map and sure enough I found a few members of the Lave crew about a quarter way there.

What to do? Join the convoy? I would never catch up in my T9 full of gold. So I took a few minutes to think and then it came to me. I've been out that way before I knew there was a patch of non-scoopable stars on the way to Sothis. I knew that if someone wasn't careful and not paying attention to their fuel level and where to scoop next, they could get into some serious trouble. So I rushed back to the station where my Asp was parked as it was already outfitted and ready to go for an emergency Fuel Rat run. I knew that with my Asp's 35LY jump range that I could probably catch up to the convoy pretty easily since they were more than likely flying large, fully laden cargo ships. I left dock with 16 fuel limpets, a massive fuel scoop and I was gone like a rocket! I don't think I've ever jumped between systems so fast....only scooping when needed to save time. Before I knew it I had caught up to the tail of the convoy and several minutes later I was in the middle of it about half way to Sothis. FYI the convoy was spread out among several systems and almost everyone was in a 4 man wing. I sent a message to one of the Lave guys telling them I was a fuel rat and was available if anyone needed my services. Not more than 10 minutes after sending that message, I heard this as I listened to the live Lave Radio show...

CMDR Fozza: "Right, OK, so a progress update...I'm out of fuel and I need help"

All of a sudden I wasn't slumping in my chair any longer. I looked like my dog does when I say to her, "You want a biscuit?". My eyes were bulging, my ears were pointing straight up and my tail....OK I don't have a tail but you get where I'm coming from. Now CMDR Fozza is one of, if not THE head guys at Lave Radio. He was one that I did not have in my friends list. So right away I sent him a friend request. As I was sending this request, one of the Lave guys tells Fozza that, "CMDR Phreedom is in the area and he is a Fuel Rat". CMDR Fozza accepts my request and I see he is just 4 jumps away...NICE!

It was a great experience and I'm so glad I trusted my gut feeling and headed out that way in my Fuel Rat outfitted Asp.

(from my view)

(video from CMDR Psykokow view, one of the Lave Radio guys. Doesn't show the rescue but does have the audio)
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︎15 Shiny!
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