Logbook entry

My First Black Hole...The Celestial Kind

01 Oct 2015CMDR_Phreedom
I don't know why I decided to head out to the Pleiades Nebula last night. I was sitting in my T9, getting ready to do another couple of hours grinding on the trade route, and I just couldn't launch. At that particular moment I needed to just go somewhere. So I brought up the galaxy map and saw a nebula relatively close to the population bubble. "Yeah...that'll do" I told myself. So I picked a system which seemed to be near the middle of the nebula, the Maia System, and off I went...after parking the T9 of course.

I arrived, promptly scanned the system and then pulled up the system map....

At first I didn't see it. In fact I think it was the 2nd time I brought up the map that I finally noticed the black hole. Now several months ago I headed out for an extended exploring trip. I came back with tons of data, visited over 1000 systems and put my name on over 100 previously unseen, undiscovered systems, stars and planets. I was out in the deep black for about 2 months but in that time I never came across a black hole. Now here I am in the Maia System on a whim, not more than 10 jumps from the population bubble, and I witness my first BH...go figure.

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