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Elite Status Eludes Me No More! (P.S. T9 For Sale!)

15 Oct 2015CMDR_Phreedom
I was grinding away at a trade route for months with my T9....Wurango to 62UM to Wurango to 62UM to Wurgano to 62UM FUUUUCCCC****! It was driving me nuts! When I finally hit the trade rating of Tycoon, I was excited that I was just one away from being Elite. But man the progression really slowed down once I became Tycoon. I mean it took a hell of a lot more trading to climb the ladder that it had in the past. I was starting to get burned out. Then I saw a post on Reddit where people were getting smuggling missions out of Sothis for 5 mil each! Best part the commodity is supplied to you so all you have to do is get it to its destination and it counts towards your trade rank as well! So I went to Sothis and not only found 5 mil missions but 6,7 & 8! So I stacked them...cramming as much as I could in my cargo holds. I started to earn 25 and 30 million credits per hour! A far cry better than my 6 mil/hr trade route. So in just a day and a half of doing this I went from 48% Tycoon to Elite and from 212 million credits in hand to over 500 million! It would have took me another 2 or 3 weeks, at least, to reach Elite with my trade route.

It's been a great ride with the whole space trucker gig, but I swear if I ever find myself in the seat of another T9....

One of the high value smuggling missions


VIDEO: Landing and turning in the mission that gave me Elite Trade status

After I reached Elite, missions like this became available...10 million for a single mission!!!!!

Nooooooooooooooo! Damn you enticing smuggling gods...damn you all to hell!!!!!

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