Logbook entry


14 Mar 2016CMDR_Phreedom
I'm about to set off on my 2nd long exploring trip. The first one I was out for a couple of months but this one will be longer...by quite a bit. I'm hoping to return with enough data to elevate my Exploration rank to Elite, I'm at Ranger currently. If I accomplish this then I will have just one more category to reach Elite in and that is combat. I reached Elite in trade some time ago.

Today I spent a good amount of time outfitting my Conda for exploring. For my first long exploring trip I used my Asp Explorer "The Pacific Crest" but this time I wanted to give my Anaconda "The Cazador Gigante" a try. Here is my loadout for this long ass trip:


Yes I'm using weapons and shields on this trip, unlike my first trip with my Asp. I'm also equipping her with some fuel limpets just in case some poor soul runs out of fuel and needs help out there. I'm a part time Fuel Rat. I'll be running this entire trip in Open I think this is the main reason I'm using my Conda w/ weapons for this trip...I have enough slots for Vehicle Bays, Fuel Limpet Controller, extra tank, and so on and still get a 30+ LY jump range.

I did my outfitting at Jameson Memorial in the Shinrarta Dezhra system because it has every single option available and at a 10% discount as well. I will first head to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia System...that will be my launching point for this trip. For deep exploring trips I like to outfit then head to a station that is far away from the population bubble and rest there for the night before starting my journey. Obsidian Orbital is a brand new station and very far from the bubble.

Leaving Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra...

16 jumps and 429 LY later I arrive at Obsidian Orbital in the Maia System...

Tonight I'll grab some grub, a warm cot and hopefully get a good nights rest. Then I'm off.

Destination: Any damn where I please!

(flight log for this entry: http://inara.cz/cmdr-flightlog/1219/41931)
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