Logbook entry

Admiral’s Log #1 - 24 JUN 3304

24 Jun 2018Admiral Draxus
[21:48 - 24.06.3304 Voice channel initializing]
[21:48 - 24.06.3304 Connection authorized]
[21:49 - 24.06.3304 Recording stabilized]
[21:50 - 24.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[21:51 - 24.06.3304 Waiting for input...]

Admiral’s Log #1
Admiral Draxus - SFS Horizon(SFS-02)
Location: Agricola’s Ascent, Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65
Time: 21:52:22
June 24, 3304

“I’ve haven’t considered recording a logbook in the past before, but I decided that since I have that function I might as well, and considering I’m not going to have a lot to do while I’m out there in the black.”
“So, I’m sitting here onboard my Lakon Asp Explorer, designation: SFS Horizon, as of this moment, I’m waiting on the station crew to finish the maintenance checks and refueling.”
“While they do that, I’m in the middle of going over final preparations for my voyage, if things go according to plan, I will be making a multi destination exploration starting with the super giant star Betelgeuse, then next is the Witch Head Nebula, Orion Nebula, Barnard’s loop, VY Canis Majoris, which I’m most excited about, for those unaware, it is the largest star inside our galaxy. Afterwards we will be traveling much farther out to the Seagull Nebula, Rosette Nebula, Jellyfish Nebula, and to finish the journey with the California Nebula as we head our way back into civilized space.”
“This is the first time I’m going to be leaving civilized space, so I guess you could say I’m a little nervous, a lot actually, but never the less, this is a voyage I’ve been wanting to do for a long time, and the time is finally here.”

(Muffled comms chatter)
“Ten-four, systems all green. I’ll be staying on station for a little while more. Celeste, close comms channel.”
“That was just the station crew, the ship’s all good to go, but I need to go stock up my food and water supply, and maybe get some Starbucks on the way out, love that place, and considering this is my last chance to do so for a long while. Well, I think that’s about it for my first log, I will be continuing to document my travels and discoveries, or I’ll at least try.”

“Admiral Draxus signing off.”

[22:01 - 24.06.3304 Audio input shutdown]
[22:02 - 24.06.3304 Recording finished]
[22:03 - 24.06.3304 Connection closed]
[22:04 - 24.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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