Logbook entry

Admiral’s Log #2 - 25 JUN 3304

25 Jun 2018Admiral Draxus
[12:04 - 25.06.3304 Voice channel initializing]
[12:04 - 25.06.3304 Connection authorized]
[12:05 - 25.06.3304 Recording stabilized]
[12:06 - 25.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[12:07 - 25.06.3304 Waiting for input...]

Admiral’s Log #2
Admiral Draxus - SFS Horizon(SFS-02)
Location: MX Orionis
Time: 12:08:39
June 25, 3304

“I’ve recently just arrived at the Orion Nebula last night, and successfully visited Betelgeuse and the Witch Head Nebula. Betelgeuse is the the first super giant star I’ve seen up close and in person, and wow is the size incredible, makes you realize just how insignificantly small you really are, I have visited many O-class stars before, but this simply dwarfs them. From 10 light years away, you could see that the star is incredibly bright and sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the stars, after all it is the ninth brightest star as seen from Sol. When I first jumped in, I was immediately taken back by its size, nearly 700 solar masses, even from 3.5 thousand light seconds away it looked like a giant wall of fire, and just to think, I’m going to a star even bigger later, VY Canis Majoris. So I went to the furthest planet out, Betelgeuse 3, 4.5 thousand light seconds away to get a better view in my SRV, and let me tell you, the view from there is absolutely beautiful. I’ve already transmitted some imagery to the gallery if you want to see for yourself.”

“After a bit of hanging around the system, it was time to move on to the Witch Head Nebula, it was 7 jumps there from Betelgeuse. Slightly disappointed I couldn’t jump inside the Nebula, but had a blast there looking at the sights, I really enjoyed the bright colors along with Barnard’s Loop showing through the Nebula, just stunning!”
“After I was done there, it was time for me to head out to the Orion Nebula, didn’t take too long, but was getting tired from my travels, so I decided to hop into the MX Orionis system and find a nice place to land for the night, on MX Orionis 5 G, an rocky ice moon. There I landed next to a large crater. Now I’ve just woke up 45 minutes ago, had breakfast, and ready to commence expedition here.”
“Looking at the galaxy map, I can see the area has a large star density, and noticed another super giant star, EZ Orionis nearby, not quite as big as Betelgeuse, but looks worth checking out, along with the rest of the Nebula.”
“I think it’s about time to end the log, and continue the voyage as I stay here and back onto my trip afterwards, I will be speaking again later on the next log”

“Admiral Draxus signing off.”

[12:16 - 25.06.3304 Audio input shutdown]
[12:17 - 25.06.3304 Recording finished]
[12:18 - 25.06.3304 Connection closed]
[12:19 - 25.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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