Logbook entry

Admiral’s Log #4 - 26 JUN 3304

26 Jun 2018Admiral Draxus
[06:30 - 26.06.3304 Voice channel initializing]
[06:31 - 26.06.33044 Connection authorized]
[06:32 - 26.06.3304 Recording stabilized]
[06:33 - 26.06.3304 Audio input ready]
[06:34 - 26.06.3304 Waiting for input...]

Admiral’s Log #4
Admiral Draxus - SFS Horizon(SFS-02)
Location: VY Canis Majoris
Time: 06:35:21
June 26, 3304

“This is Admiral Draxus of the SFS Horizon, I am 1,832.38 light years away from Sol, and as of this moment I am staring at the biggest ball of fire I will see in my lifetime from a distance of 6,000 light seconds.”

“I’ve finally made it to VY Canis Majoris, the biggest star in our galaxy. It has a solar radius of 1,420, that’s right 1,420 times the size as Sol! I’m right now fuel scoping at over 100c, and from my perspective, it looks as if I’m not moving at all because how large it is. At 100c, one could travel between Earth and Sol in 4 seconds, it’s that big. Amazing..”

“Too bad there isn’t any planets around here to land on to get a photo surface-side. Even if there were any before, the star would of already consumed them.”

“It took me longer than expected to get here, would of made it here sooner if I planned my route properly, because I had trouble navigating around the Col 70 and Col 121 sectors. I had to backtrack all the way back to the Witch Head Nebula and take a different route.”
“But the detour was definitely worth it for that lost time, I learned for myself that exploring isn’t just about getting there, but also what it took to get there, because I ran into a system that had a staggering number of 20 stars, mostly dwarfs though, interesting none the less. Later I ran into a system with a B-class star orbiting a black hole in close proximity, really close, most nervous feeling I ever had being so close to the star trying to get a scan of the black hole. There was also two more B-class stars closely orbiting each other, all within a 70 light second radius, amazing sight to behold, 3 B-class stars and a black hole together in a little area. I actually tried getting close enough to the black hole in order to see what the star orbiting it would look like through the lense effect, nothing happened because it was so close, worthless risk that was, and hurt my eyes too because of the star’s light.”

“That’s it for this log, we’re now at the stage where the voyage becomes somewhat lengthy, next stop Seagull Nebula. I’m going to take one more last look at the super giant star, then I’m off.”

“Frameshift Drive charging..”
“Goodbye VY Canis Majoris, it was nice seeing ya, but it’s time to go.”

“Admiral Draxus signing off”

[06:52 - 26.06.3304 Audio input shutdown]
[06:53 - 26.06.3304 Recording finished]
[06:54 - 26.06.3304 Connection closed]
[06:55 - 26.06.3304 Voice channel closed]
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